Thursday, February 12, 2009

Bread Making Day!

Today was the day Grandma was showing Mommy how to make the brown bread that Great-Grandma Geneva used to make. I was a good boy and let mommy learn. We went for a walk again and saw more of the neighborhood. Daddy made a yummy chicken in his oil-less turkey fryer and mommy made potatoes in the oven. We just hung out in the evening and watched as my daddy's favorite team, UNC beat Duke ~ Sorry Uncle Kyle!!!

I get a really good few from up here on Grandpa's shoulder!

Wherever Grandpa is ~ You will find Lucy!

Wide awake with my tummy time!

Here is where the dogs like to be when Grandpa is reading his book!

I got this cute outfit from Kim & Ken & family. It has a backhoe on the front like great-uncle Geno works with!

Grandpa ~ Look at all the dogs around us!

Mommy getting the bread started~

Cassie got a dusting from the flour!

Mommy had to really work her muscles to get that flour stirred in ~ And Cassie still wanted to stay close!

I just slept in my bouncy chair while they were busy in the kitchen!

And finally it was time to put it into the tins ~ They made ten loaves!! I can't wait until I can eat some!


  1. Good job on the brown bread, Heather!! You have a good teacher!! :-) Nothing like that brown bread~~~yummy!!! Looks like Grandpa is having lots of fun with his little buddy and the dogs!!
    Love you all!!

  2. Uh, oh. We have another bread maker in the family! We'll have to have a brown bread baking bonanza over the family reunion! I'm thinking Heather has a few more muscles than I do for that heavy duty stirring. Hm....I think I will need to stop by the store and pick up some ingredients for brown bread. It's been a while since I made some and I do believe my freezer is void of brown bread.

    Oh, little Miles, you are growing too fast! Here I thought that little outfit might be too big and here it fits just right! Keep on growing big and strong, little man. We love you all!

