Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My 1st Christmas!

I was lucky enough to have a white Christmas even down here in Altus, Oklahoma. I guess I was a good boy because I got lots of fun new toys to play with.

I don't know what Daddy was talking about....this snow stuff is fun!
Can we build a snowman?
I love my new rocket!
Blast off!
What is this?
Can I please play with my new airplane now?
So cool....I can drive my own car!
What? I'm not supposed to eat these things?
Playing with my friend Saniyya while our mommies get dinner ready.
I can't wait to eat!
Hey, do you know where Santa went? I got his sleigh here....
Merry Christmas!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Getting You All Caught Up!

I apologize that I haven't been the best at keeping this updated lately. I have been a busy little boy with all the traveling, getting ready for my very first Christmas, and keeping Momma and Daddy on their toes now that I can get all over. I walk all over and like to follow Momma and Daddy, especially into the bathroom! Bella and I are best friends, even if she trys to run away sometimes! I was sick right when we got back from Vegas but I am all better now.

Sick with a fever...please pay no attention to my hair! I like it when you run your fingers through my hair....but it gets a little crazy looking!
You want some of my water? I like to share!
Still smiling though....
Don't I look so cool in my new flight jacket?....just like Daddy's but with a Marine Recon patch for Grandpa Tom!
Really, Momma? Another photo?
Playing with Bella...
What? We are being good....
I promise!
So much fun!
Sit Bella.