Tuesday, January 27, 2009

One Week Tonight!

Hard to believe it was one week ago that I was born! This has been quite a week with the weather too! It was 80 degrees when mommy and daddy brought me home, yesterday I was supposed to go for a weight check and we were having freezing rain and the doctor's office said not to come! Today we are getting snow, but daddy says by Saturday it will be back up to 65 degrees! We went to the Doctor today, and my weight was back up almost to birth weight, I was 7 lbs. 15 ozs. so everyone was happy! I have been eating alot, so we knew it would be good!

Do you think I might have a dimple on my left cheek?

Bella is getting braver to check me out ~ Mommy was just glad she didn't wake me up!

I sometimes like to sleep on my tummy!

I am really trying to be a good baby!!

So we are heading outside?

I don't know about that crazy weather outside, Bella sure didn't like to go out it in it either!!

Oh, I see you have things under control ~ I will stay nice in warm inside my covering!

I am a cozy guy!

Look, I can even help Daddy with his homework!!

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