Friday, May 29, 2009

A little of this....And a little of that

Can you believe I'm 4 months old now? I had my check-up the other week and I weighed about 19 pounds and was 27 inches long! The doctor said I was a big boy! We went to Oklahoma City for Memorial Day weekend but other then that we've just been having fun at home. Mommy & Daddy think I'm old enough to be sleeping in my own room now...I'm still not so sure about that though!

Mommy & Me on Mother's Day...I sure did like her flowers!
I sure do love my Daddy!
What are you doing?
Yes Mommy....I am doing my tummy time!
4 months old here!
Excuse me are blocking my tv!
I really like the video that Auntie Kelly sent me!
I like when Mommy sings along....Daddy is starting to learn the words too!

I wasn't so sure about the fountains in Oklahoma City!
I'm gonna get you Daddy!
Are you gonna help me out here Mommy?
Oh fine....we can have a truce.
Enough photos already!!


  1. Oh my goodness, Miles, you look so cuddly! I can't wait to see you here in a few weeks! We are going to have so much fun! Kaden and Kadence will help you get into all sorts of trouble! It'll be fun!

  2. Miles, just think, in only about 3 weeks you are going to be at Grandma and Grandpa's house! We can't wait to get you here ~ Then you can attack Grandpa!! I also can't wait to hear daddy singing! You are a Sweetie!
    Love, Grandma Nancy

  3. I like the flowers you gave mommy for Mother's Day. You and daddy did a good job!! Didn't look like you liked your tummy time too much!! I think you liked playing with daddy instead and getting him!! We love the pictures and can't wait to see you in person!! We'll have so much fun!!! Love you lots, G~Auntie Patsy

  4. MJ, what's up buddy!!!! You are getting pretty big, and also tell your mom and dad that all this baby blue clothing is not doing it for you anymore. When you come up North we'll get you some green and gold (then you will be stylish) can't wait to see you.

    Your favorite Uncle Kyle
