Thursday, March 26, 2009

Live Action!

Here's a video my mommy took of me the other morning. She tried to turn on the lights in the living room area but since the sun wasn't out yet it was still pretty dark in there. I still like to get up early which is tons of fun for my mommy! Luckily I am always really happy and like to talk in the morning so it's hard for my mommy to be mad about being up with me. Here you can see me "talking" with some of my "friends".


  1. Oh Miles, Grandma just loves to hear you talk!! You are such a Sweetie!
    Love you Honey!
    Grandma Nancy

  2. Your legs were moving like you were ready to go running!! Love hearing you talk!! You are so adorable, Miles and I can't wait to see you in June!! Your mommy's doing such a great job on the videos and pictures!! Love you all!

    G~Auntie Patsy

  3. Cherish those early mornings because soon they turn into, "Mom I want oatmeal for breakfast, NOW!!". I miss those quiet mornings!!! THanks for sharing your moment with us all!!! bobbie
