Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Makin Messes....

I love to "help" Momma and Daddy do things around the house. I was helping to wash the car and to help make grape salad awhile ago. Somehow I usually turn into a mess when I am helping. I really like to do things on my own these days and think that I should be able to do whatever Daddy and Momma do. It's so much fun!

Here, I can get that rag for you.
Whoa! Bubbles! I have no idea how I got all wet and soapy!
But if I smile really cute then it's ok right Momma?
Trying to eat cereal like Momma does.
But this way is so much easier!
Helping Momma make grape salad.
This is good stuff!
So much fun!
Let me give you a kiss!

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